My story
Meet our itty-bitty-pitty puppy!Keanu(formerly known as pup Elvis), is a 4 month old, male Pitbull mix pup, who is at a growing weight of 32 lbs. He is a good boy who is almost all bathroom trained and is learning to be confident on the leash. He has been fixed. He has slightly sensitive skin, so cuddles and a good shampoo help him.Keanu is learning how to be friendly and be a social puppy, as a part of his growing up training. He gets along very well with other dogs and kids. He hasnt met kitties yet. He is a bundle of rockstar energy and loves to play with balls and tug o' war! All that high energy runs him pretty hot, so he needs a bowl of water all around him. He loves his toys and is rather treat motivated, which makes him eager to learn. He has a very sweet personality and loves his people. He needs his family and gets sad if left alone for too long. He will need a companion at home for most of the time.Keanu is a wonderful puppy who will grow up to be a great boy! He will need activities and a person to hang out with him at home for most of the time. Lots of love and attention will be best! This pet's adoption fee is $300 and that includes spaying/neutering, shots and microchip. If you want to take this pet home, please fill out the form on the website here ##443593##