My story
owners contact info is at the bottom of the bioThis good boy is Duke. He is 5 years old (DOB 1/29/17) and weighs 65 pounds. He is not neutered. He is UTD on shots. HW Negative as of March 2022.He is not good with small children and is okay with older children if they don’t invade his space. He is good with other dogs. Not good with cats.He is being rehomed as he is aggressive toward our crawling baby.He does have separation anxiety and leash agression so someone that is home most of the time and can work with him would be best. He does not like horse and buggies, but that should not be an issue in most areas.Duke is a good security guard and barks indoors. He doesn't liked being groomed at home but is ok with professional groomers.Duke is a sweetheart with people! He thinks he's a lap dog but he's not, haha! In the right home environment, Duke will absolutely thrive!
So, if you have a home with other dogs,
older children and no cats, and are home most of the time, please contact me.Contact is Lena at [email protected] is a $150 rehoming fee to assure good folks with good intentions.
That fee will be donated to Australian Shepherds Furever for their assistance for posting and helpoing to place this dog into a furever home.
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Duke, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.