Discontinued sand color I originally paid around $500 and still great condition. Comes with base. Wheels have very minimal wear as I mostly used it as a car seat so it works great. Our toddler is growing out of it so we’re looking to upgrade and we’re done having kids so we won’t need it anymore. Willing to trade for 2 toddler car seats like a graco extend2fit worth about the same value as what we’re selling. I have an extra infant car seat that’s a cheap one, I can throw in for an extra $20 or trade for 2 nice toddler carseat to equal similar value.
Expires 09/01/2026
I have absolutely loved using doonas I used them for all 3 of my kids and it has been so amazing. Definitely was worth $500. My first Doona I gave away when my first baby grew up and then bought another one for baby 2& 3 cuz I loved it so much.