Hunt private lands in the Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit status that are carefully managed to produce trophy bucks and have boasted a success rate in the high 90s year after year. The majority of deer harvested, fall in the 150" to 170" class range with 180" and larger bucks being a real possibility. There will never be more than 4 hunters in camp at a time, thus allowing a quality, personalized hunt with no overcrowding. Tags are guaranteed with no need to apply for a draw. Dont miss your chance for a Utah Wall Hanger. Only 4 left and there is a lot of interest. Utah has always been known as a state that produces world-class Mule Deer bucks. Literally every area of the state has the potential to produce record-class. Two openings Sept. 18th - 22nd and two openings Oct. 2nd - 6th. Hunt High Success Guided Mule Deer Hunts! Discounted hunt cost priced $4,495. But these 4 have been discounted down.
For more info please call me