, if your looking for a American Pit Bull Terrier with the appearance and pedigree to back it up look no more.. $500 to go to an excellent lovely home she loves to have fun with children and loves to go for long walks. She's half Gottiline/Razor Edge: 6x Notorious Juan Gotti, 2x Colden's Blue Rhino, 2x Westside Monster, 1x Blue Monster Aka Casino, 1x 21 Blackjack, 1x Mr. T, 1x Mr. Dem Bonz, 1x You Can Call Me Mister, 1x Dunigan's Moto Magnus, and 1x Greenfield's Knuckles. Don't hesitate to call or text us if you have any concerns at -LRB-323-RRB- Luis or -LRB-602-RRB- Felipe.