He was the first in the litter to be chosen, and he went to live with a loving family for a couple weeks. He was an 18-year-old boys graduation present. He was spoiled and loved, potty trained and taught to walk on a leash. Circumstance changed, the family made a hard decision and tearfully brought him back to me. Now he hangs out at the ranch with me. In the mornings we feed the calf and run water, while I do my inside chores or run around in town he sleeps in a bit of shade. Theres usually one more burst of fun while we fix fence or irrigate in the evenings. This kid loves to cuddle and pad around behind me. Hes never met a stranger and he is learning so much every day. To find out more visit http://cowpokecornerkennels.com//dalmatian- puppies-born-1- Or call me at
Thanks! Erin