Daisy was born to a 17 lb., black Standard Dachshund mix Momma Lola on 1/17/18. We are not sure who the Dad was? She and her 5 sisters (yes all girls) are in a puppy experienced foster home and they are used to the on going activity of a busy house hold. They are used to other dogs, the family cat, grandchildren and are being raised in a very social environment. She and her sisters are happy, healthy, playful and very social pups. There are sweet girls looking for their forever families.
The adoption fee is $400 which includes: spay/neuter, microchipping with registration, up to date on vaccines, rabies vaccine (for dogs and pups over 4 months), deworming, and topical flea treatment application.
Our animals can be seen by appointment only after approved application process. Please email to make sure the animal you are interested in will be at our adoption events. No phone calls please. If you are interested in adopting one of our animals please send all inquiries to [email protected].
If you would like to come see our dogs at our on site adoptions no Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 5:00 we are at:
8092 Santa Ana Canyon Rd.
Anaheim Hills, CA
Please email first to make sure the dog/puppy or cat/kitten you are interested in meeting are going to be there.
**********FOSTER HOMES NEEDED************
We are always looking for loving foster homes! Please contact us at [email protected] if you would be interested in fostering.
KK 3/26/18 5:10 PM