Adorable ShiChi puppies! Mommy is a AKC signed up Purebred Shih Tzu. She is 7 lbs and a gorgeous gold and white. Father is a buoyant 6 pound Chihuahua. We have 2 kids and 2 ladies. Among the women takes after her father in form and fur quality, but with the color marking of a Shih Tzu (she is the multi color white and black puppy). The other 3 take after their Shih Tzu mama with their form and quality of fur, however with solid colors. Beautiful and extremely distinct colors! They have actually been hand raised with children in a spick-and-span, smoke free home. They have been veterinarian inspected and have their very first shots. We have begun housebreaking them and they are capturing on! They are 7 weeks old, born on July15th.
Call Rachel at
to come see these children:).