Cute, energetic, and exceptionally lively 6.5 weeks old male Yorkshire Terrier "Yorkie." He was born on August 14, 2014 and will turn 8 weeks and prepared to adopt on October 14, 2014. He is very obedient and playful. He is very curious and not shy and will certainly become your lifelong buddy instantly.
He has had his first shots, tail docked (reduced), and dew claws eliminated. Parents are AKC accredited Yorkshire Terriers and will certainly reveal paperwork as evidence. The trash has actually been registered with AKC also. AKC paperwork for him will certainly be supplied.
The pictures do not actually do him justice, so you have to fulfill him!
We certainly want him to go to a caring house, so please, no puppy mills. If you intend on offering him with a nurturing childhood, kindly only call me. Significant inquires just.
Disclaimer: We do not take part or condone in yard breeding or puppy mills. This puppy comes from a caring home from enjoying parents.