My story
More Pictures to FollowConnie is a dog meat trade survivor who came to us all the way from South Korea to join the ARF pack in search of her furever home. Connie is approximately 2 years young and currently weighs 33 lbs. Connie is fully grown and on the petite. Her coat is beautiful!! We believe her breed to be a Kai/Shiba Inu Mix. She will be a little shy at first but when she opens up she is very friendly and loving. Connie was a mom who had puppies, She is learning the basics and is currently figuring out the leash. Connie is the perfect size dog to fit in any home (apartment, condo, townhome, house) and she is good with dogs. She would be happy to accompany you on the couch or run errands with you. Connie is ready to make some family very happy. She is available for adoption now so if you would like to be making memories with this cutie, complete an application: