Beginning and Intermediate Algebra 5th ed Fustafson and Frisk ISBN 3 (same book used for Algebra I and II)
Regularly priced: $189 Sellig Price: $100 OBO!!!! I'm open for any and all deals!!! Solution manual added too (regularly sold separtely)
Early Education Curriculum 4th Editioin, Hilda Jackman ISBN-10 6 or ISBN-13: 2 (Used for Curriculum Classes)
Regulary about $90 Selling Price: $60 OBO, GREAT CONDITION!
High School and Community Collaboration (Family and Community Partnerships Class) Kathy B. Grant and Julie Ray ISBN-10: 46
ISBN-13: 47
Regularly $60 Selling Price: $30
Please call or text
if interested :)
Location: Anchorage/Eagle River