Coffa is a 5yr old male Dachshund looking for his forever home. He was owner surrendered to us due to moving, and is hoping to find a new home and family soon. He weighs in full grown at 11lbs. He's a little guy with a huge heart and gentle soul. Coffa is a little shy when you first meet him, he isn't used to new people, but does warm up quickly. He has lived with children over the age of 10, has not lived with other dogs, and is not good with cats. He does well with other dogs that aren't over stimulating, as he can get overwhelmed easily. He is a sweet boy that loves attention, is housebroken and kennel trained, and knows how to use a doggy door. He is also leash trained and rides well in the car. He would do best in a home where his people aren't gone for more then 6 hours a day, and could be the only dog or with another calm dog. He is neutered, up to date on vaccines, microchipped, licensed, and vet checked. His adoption fee comes with 30 days of free pet insurance, and comes with a free vet visit as well. His adoption fee is $300. We are accepting applications at our location until Tuesday 4/24 at 6pm. Anyone interested must come to our location to meet with him and must bring any other dogs currently in the home to ensure it is a good fit. You can meet him at our location Tues-Sun 11am to 6pm, at 1102 W. Hatcher Road in Phoenix 85021
Open TUES-SUN 11am to 6pm / 1102 W. Hatcher Rd, Phoenix AZ 85021 /
WEEKEND ADOPTION EVENT LOCATIONS - Many animals available for adoption!
Saturdays 10:30am to 3pm at Petco at Tatum & Bell Rd
4727 East Bell
Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 (Near Walmart)
Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 4pm at Petsmart in Surprise
13764 W Bell Rd
Surprise, AZ - Cross Streets: Bell Rd and Grand Ave in Surprise Towne Center Shops (Near Home Depot)
***Visit our website or facebook page for special events schedules!***
4/24/18 9:33 PM