Meet 14 year old
Cocoa! This sweet little 9 lb apricot poodle is house trained and loves to cuddle. His favorite thing to do is sleep right next to you in bed! Cocoa loves to go on walks and is fabulous on a leash. He gets a little nervous in the car and shakes but he is really happy to go anywhere and will tolerate a car ride just to be near you! Cocoa can be a bit leash reactive with dogs. He is a small dog with a macho personality. If only he knew he's just a peanut :) Cocoa is a friendly dog who loves to play with toys and enjoys when you get down on the floor to play with him! Cocoa would prefer a home with no other dogs. He would not be suitable as an apartment dog, as he likes to bark for a bit after you leave the house.
Cocoa is a goofball who loves to dance around when you come home and shower you with kisses as if you've been gone for a year! If you take this tiny pup home, he will definitely keep you laughing. While in foster care, Cocoa has received dental surgery, senior bloodwork and is up to date on vaccinations. He's a healthy little guy! If interested in Cocoa, please visit for an application. Any questions can be sent to [email protected].