This puppy is a brown white and tan otherwise known as a brown tri. His sire is out of two champions and his dam has a nice champion pedigree. This puppy was born in our house. Our dogs do not live in a kennel situation. Our dogs are part of our family. The puppies when born until the time they leave get tons of attention. My puppies are all AKC registered 1 vaccination with Vanguard 5/CV, multiple dewormings 2 shots of NeoPar to prevent Parvo Micro chipped which is a huge piece of mind. They are given NuVet Vitamins to start them off right and a sample packet will go with you. Our puppies eat premium puppy food (Authority Grain Free High Performance Dog Food- Turkey, Pea, Duck & Salmon which is All Life Stages.) We include a Health Certificate so both parties know they are healthy at the time of sale. Other breeders usually charge you for the Health Certificate after the purchase price, ours is included in the price. They have extraordinary Champion pedigree. Our puppies are groomed every two weeks and we share photos and videos of them until they leave. We have photos of their parents, usually of their grandparents as well, pedigree's of the parents, some times videos of the parents as well. A 1/2 down non refundable deposit/puppy hold is required for each puppy. We can ship at the buyers expenses. You can visit our website at Email us at [email protected] or go to Facebook and type in the search bar, Cakebread Cockers We would love to hear from you.