My story
Clark is a 3.5MO 20lb floppy baby. Clark was rescued with his two siblings from a cruel life on the streets. When our New Mexico rescue partner was able to rescue them they were in pretty bad shape. We don't know how many there were to start with, but we were able to save three of them. Despite their rough beginning to life, these gentle giants are just that, the sweetest, most gentle pups in the world.Clark is the biggest, most loving baby. His foster desribes him as "all the perks of an adorable puppy without the headache of a puppy". Clark loves to play but is fine entertaining himself with a good toy, too. He will romp around the yard with the other dogs and is also okay just hanging out and snuggling up with his fosters for some down time. He is literally the perfect mix of everything. We don't know Clarks breeds but our guess would be a Dane mix due to his appearance, size, and docile/loving personality. There is literally no better puppy than Clark. He is the first foster his foster-family has ever even discussed adopting, he is truly that special.If you are interested in adopting this sweet boy, please fill out our adoption application at
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Clark, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.