ckc registered boston terrier puppies will be ready shortly after Christmas. this is our little merry bunch! six females: joy, holly, snowflake, mistletoe, candy cane, and Noel! and one little boy dasher! ready shortly after Christmas males are $650 females are $750. they come up to date on shots and worming. mom is a 16lb chocolate(she has a hint of red to her coat) and dad is a large 32lb light brown. deposits are $250 non refundable
I do NOT ship puppies.. I am not a kennel my dogs are pets raised and owned by me. Will be well socialized with young children!! There are four females left and one male.
1st pic all puppies 2nd mom n dad 3rd pic Noel female available 4th pic mistletoe female available 5th pic joy female available 6th pic holly female available 7th pic dasher male available 8th pic momma and pups