CKC registered Boston terrier puppies will be ready Jan 2nd, Six females: joy, holly, snowflake, mistletoe, candy cane, and Noel! and one little boy dasher! males are $650 females are $750. they come up to date on shots and worming. Mom is a 16lb chocolate(she has a hint of red to her coat) and dad is a large(slightly overweight lol) 32lb light brown. deposits are $250 non refundable, I accept check(do not prefer), paypal, cash for local sales on deposits, final payment is due at pickup and cash is the only accepted form of final payment.
I do NOT ship puppies. As of now I have only 2 females left(joy and Noel) that are not spoken for. I can additional pictures to help you choose your puppy. I am not a kennel, momma and daddy are my pets, puppies are kept inside my home, and will be well socialized by me and my children. Mom and Dad are pictured as well as a group shot, and individual pics of the remaining available