considering a trade for a rare color female (English or Frenchie) younger that 1.5 years old. Selling my chocolate tri English Bulldog stud. $4800 AKC Registered He is 17 months old Proven stud. He is an amazing boy. Great temperament very calm and loving boy. He is protective over his yard and his girls so he would be a great guard dog also. He is amazing with kids. Please CALL me ONLY if you are VERY serious about this. I prefer he stays in California but willing to make a deal outside Cali. All of his puppies will carry chocolate and tri guaranteed. he weighs about 53 to 55 pounds his coat is so perfect it looks painted on his eyes are green he has a thick muscular structure he's extremely healthy and very obedient. I am in Riverside CA I have too many boys and I need to make room