Charming is charting 4 lbs (at 7weeks) when fully grown. He is blue tri, long haired. AKC CH grandsired and CH granddamed. Excellent pedigree. Limited AKC unless otherwise discussed. Raised in our home, loved and prespoiled. Will receive age appropriate shots and wormer. Health guaranteed. Will be vet checked before leaving. All babies come with registration papers (limit unless otherwise discussed), growth chart, health record, health guarantee, new puppy folder from Purina, 1 lb bag of puppyfood, treats, toys, and a blanket in a gift bag. $500 deposit will put your puppy on hold until ready for pick up or delivery (no sooner than 8 weeks for pick up or 10 weeks for delivery/ shipping). In flight nannies are available at additional expense for $450. Refer to my website for pictures of parents and more info about me. Thank you.