Chihuahua - Dita - Small - Baby - Female - Dog
Sweet little Dita is a little shy at first, but give her a few minutes to get to know you and you'll see she is full of puppy energy and playfulness. Dita missed out on some early socialization as she battled various illnesses, but she now has a clean bill of health and is busy making up for lost time. She would be thrilled to have a well matched dog to live with and could likely learn to coexist with a cat too. Dita might find the excitement and energy that young kids have to be a little too much, so kids 12 and older would be best. Taking a training class together would be an excellent way to further bond with her. Teaching her things like sit and down and come when called are great ways to give her a big confidence boost as she learns to succeed with you by her side.
Primary Color: Tan
Secondary Color: Black Brown
Weight: 10
Age: 0yrs 3mths 3wks
Animal has been Spayed
Breed: Chihuahua
Size: Small
Petfinder ID:
Pet has been spayed/neutered
Sonoma Humane Society | Santa Rosa, CA |
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