Chihuahua - Cocoa - Small - Senior - Female - Dog
Cocoa is a very sweet 17 lb 9 -10 year old chihuahua mix female looking for love.
She is rust and white colored with beseeching eyes. Cocoa loves food and
sleeping in the bed. Cocoa is an easy, affectionate dog, housebroken with a
great personality and many years of love to give. A very undemanding dog
she needs a little encouragement as she had a former home for a long time
and wonders what happened. Cocoa is currently being fostered in a home
with many little senior dogs and does great with everyone. Spayed, utd
on vaccines, microchipped, to meet Cocoa call Seena at
Adoption fee: $125
*Applications to adopt: Home Visit / ID and Residence Verification is required. Compliance does not imply or guarantee adoption. Approval is the sole discretion of CWN representative(s).
We are always looking for Volunteer event assistants to help with adoptions at Petsmart and Petco. Please email Terri @ [email removed] if you are interested. Thank you so much for considering becoming part of the Tucson Cold Wet Noses Team!
Breed: Chihuahua
Size: Small
Petfinder ID:
Pet has been spayed/neutered
Cold Wet Noses Fosters | Tucson, AZ |
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