Cole & Rae's puppies were born on January 16, 2024.
This litter comes from good parents. The mom is American lab and is 62-64 pounds and comes from field and pointing lines. She has a title in shed hunting and active in upland work and loves birds and marks very well. But she is also a great companion dog, attentive and obedient and good in the house but always ready to go hunting or hiking, whatever it is she is ready to have fun. She is very social with strangers and dogs as well.
Dad is American lab and weighs 69 pounds. He is very athletic and loves to go shed or bird hunting as well. He loves birds or playing ball or watching tv, he actually watches it. He's very fun to be around and goes everywhere with me. He is good in public and regularly goes into Costco and Home Depot or wherever I go.
This litter should weigh around the same as the parents and be similar in personality. They will be active dogs that will make wonderful companion dogs but will need exercise most days to be happy and well mannered, like most dogs. These pups will make any family very happy.