My story
The diva with a golden heart!Cher is a delightful, 3-4 years old, female Terrier-Greyhound mix, at a small 20 lb size. she is a part of the Diva group rescue form the ESLR shelter. She is waiting for her forever family, and to prepare, she has already mastered her bathroom training. She is working hard on her manners as well. She will be spayed soon.Cher is an absolutely great gal with so much love to offer! She is very friendly with dogs, and seems to leave cats alone. She hasnt met kiddos yet. Her personality radiates happiness who just enjoys hanging out and giving love to her people. She does enjoy playing with balls, but prefers a nice, quiet environment.Cher will do best a quiet household with people who adore her. This pet's adoption fee is $300 and that includes spaying/neutering, shots and microchip. If you want to take this pet home, please fill out the form on the website here /adopt-today##465663##