So sweet and playfull, Doll-Faced Persian Chinchila Silver male kitty was born from from CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) signed up moms and dads Grand Champion and Champion blood lines. Moms and dads PKD/DNA negative, tested at U.C. Davis in Davis, CA, both raised and reside in the home.
He is 14 weeks old and all set for brand-new for life homes.
This sweet boy is raised under foot and within our family house. Daily he is held, played with, and mingled with all youngsters and adults. So he will certainly be extremely affectionate and wish to be held and loved on by their new and forever families. He will be terrific calm lap cat.
He has been De-wormed, current on vaccinations, veterinarian inspected. We begin bathing and brushing him so young so that your kitty is used to be groomed prior to they leave our home. Kitten is litter trained before going to their forever houses.
This cost is for animal just if you want to have actually limited CFA registration it will be additional cost with spay/neutered contract, I prefer him go to loving pet for life home so he can be spoiled the means he are worthy of to be.
, if you have any questions feel totally free to contact me cell.. -LRB-916-RRB- or email.
Just emails containing full contact info will certainly be responded to. This includes your complete name, contact number, & & locationas as well as some details about the kind of home you will be providing to my kitten(s).
Severe queries only kindly.