The lightest EF lens of all at a mere 4.6 oz.
50mm focal length.
1:1.8 optimum aperture.
46 diagonal angle of see.
0.45 m / 1.5 ft. closest focusing distance.
This is the lightest EF lens of all at a mere 4.6 oz. (130g). High-performance and compact, basic lens. Its Gaussian optics supply sharp delineation from near to far concentrating distances. The color balance is exceptional for a standard lens.
Focal Length & Maximum Aperture: 55-250mm, 1:4 -5.6.
Lens Construction: 15 aspects in 12 groups.
Diagonal Angle of View: 27 50' - 6 15'.
Focus Adjustment: Rear focus system.
Closest Focusing Distance: 2.79 ft. / 0.85 m.
Filter Size: 58mm.
Max. Size x Length, Weight: 2.8 x 4.4 inches, approx. 7.2 oz. / 70.0 x 111.2 mm, approx. 375g.
can be gotten seperately but has canon package when bought together.
call Dundee.