This Canon EOS Elan 7E bundle comes with three lenses and a green Tamrac 5242 Adventure 2 Photo backpack. The three lenses included are are as follows- EF 1:4-5.6 28-90mm , ultrasonic wide angle to short telephoto EF 1:4-5.6 22-55mm, and an EF 1:4-5.6
75-300mm telephoto zoom lense. The highly functional, secure and efficient Tamrac photo backpack provides convenient storage and transport. Designed for film photography, this 35mm camera offers advanced features such as predictive autofocus and up to 4.5 frames per second shooting speed. The camera body is in good working condition and has been tested for functionality. Capture stunning images with the Canon EOS Elan 7E. Also included is a cap keeper as well as the EOS Elan 7E instruction manual.