Open 10-1 this Saturday (7/12).
Why pertain to Rep Fitness? - No shipping on heavy things, wonderful quality, outstanding costs, and you can really FEEL and USE the devices before you purchase it. Not simply go to a site, or pay over-priced big box costs. Local provider.
Looking to get in shape for summer season? Why not a house fitness center from your garage? Local choice up discount rates for going over $1,000 or $3,000 on any non clearance. Automobile 5 % off for Police/Fire/Military.
We've got a lots of equipment, and we're always getting even more remarkable equipment!
For a complete list of devices we have, with unique regional choice up prices -.
***** /local-pickup ****** - you can see a map of how to show up, download our prices, and begin thinking of how incredible your house health club will certainly look, and how sweet your abs will certainly look in a couple months; ).
If you simply want some wall balls, kettlebells - one of the most versatile tools! - or a slam ball to secure your weeks frustration, we are just as happy to get you these too!
------------------------------ SALE PRICES ------------------------------.
Men's and Women's Excalibur 20/15kg bars - gently made use of outstanding barbells - lots of testimonials all across the web and on our internet site. Ridden for an Olympic Lifting competition to benefit Kevin Ogar / Ogar Strong. 10 % off.
Just a few Bumper Plates - 10 % off - different color/weights.
2 Foot Power Rack - aka our Fort Rack - Normally this rack retails with comparable specs elsewhere for $625+ We are offering it for a restricted time for $499 since we have a couple of small scratched uprights. Simply cosmetic, absolutely nothing structural. Draw up bar in perfect condition - the one piece that matters.
Combo Sled / Prowler - Normally $250, now $150 - Surplus stock is your gain.
Med/Wall Ball - Larger type medication balls used for wall rounds - we have some that are a bit lopsided/not focused - 50 % off - these are all black with white lettering/logo for weight.
Kettlebells - Some minor/medium level issues - 30 % off - If you understand how to work down some concerns with a kettlebell handle or do not mind some concerns, you can score big. A few of them have really small concerns ... simply a lot of sizes you can test/check out!
Our New Med/Wall Balls - 10 % off - bad boys just showed up and look incredible! You can discover them on our internet site (note these include shipping on our site, so have a look at our local choice up page).
Our New Competition Kettlebells - 10 % off - These are simply awesome, and very unique. If you need a set of kettlebells, look no more.