My story
About every 3 weeks, on 2 occasions, Bruno has had 3 seizures within about 12 hours. Each seizures lasts minute or two. Tests so far do not reveal cause. Tests show he has been exposed to Valley Fever, however he does not have Valley Fever, only exposure. It's possible he may have a mild case of epilepsy, though that is unknown at this time. There might also be other factor(s). He currently is not on medication. He may eventually require medication .The vet clinic has asked that he come in after (or if) the next seizure episode occurs. Bruno will most likely require vigilant on-going veterinary care for his well being. BRUNO is still not adequately socialized. At times he likes to be petted, he occasionally will place his paw on an arm to get petted and stroked. Other times he declines human touch and darts away. He does respond to his name .... sometimes to simply look at us, others times to dash off. He sleeps at the foot of the bed. He knows a doggie pet door and mostly does his business outside. On pleasant days he enjoys some time in the sun on the deck. We do try to watch him to avoid sunburn. He comes when we call him in. Sometime he allows us to pick him up, briefly. Other times he threatens to bite with attempts to pick him up. Diligence is required to avoid getting bitten. He sits next to his people at mealtime, hoping a tidbit will drop his way. He does like to stay within watching distance of his people. He is prone to "hot spots', where small spots of skin seem to simply dissipate. Over the counter hot spot spay is effective, if he allows that. Otherwise medication is required. Bruno is a special needs dog, and technically available for adoption. He would be shown by appointment only, and that's assuming he would be cooperative!!! Please advise if you have further interest in adopting Bruno.