Brady's story
There will be a phone interview and a screening process. As I will want to make sure that you are the right person for the particular pup, you will also want to make sure I am the rescue you want to do business with. My references are the Better Business Bureau, Lodi Animal Shelter, Pals in Lodi Ca, Pacific Veterinary Hospital in Stockton Ca, Vineyard Vet in Lockeford Ca. You can also read about my accomplishments in the notes on my Pups Rescue Facebook page
Brady was born on 1/9/19. He is 9 weeks old on 3/13/19. He is very short and stubby. He has had a vaccine and is micro chipped. He will need to come back to Stockton in April to be neutered. Right now he weighs 4.1 pounds so he will not be adopted into a home with kids under 15. If you are interested in adopting him, call Marilyn at
for a phone interview
YOU MUST CALL FIRST, SENDING AN EMAIL FIRST WILL DELAY THE ADOPTION PROCESS. You must be at 30 years old to adopt a puppy from this organization. I do not adopt puppies out to families with toddlers, and that could be the reason I will not return your call. Another one of our requirements is that whoever is interested in adopting the pup, will also be the one who stays at home with the pup and the one calling. I do not ship puppies anywhere, if you want to adopt from us, you must come to pick up the pup. Pups Rescue's adoption fees range from $200-$400. Please leave a message, as all calls are screened. This is a residence, please do not call after 9:00 P.M. We will not ship puppies, you must come to our location