Vasto & Tesse's puppies were born on November 28, 2023.
If you are interested in a puppy from one of our future AKC litters please visit us at TnGentleGiants and click "apply for upcoming litter" form at the top of the page. We look forward to you becoming part of our TN Gentle Giants family! The last litter she had 11 pups. Same sire also. Full AKC registered. Embark tested. No genetic issues. We are BAB breeders. Puppies are raised to believe in themselves, and be the best they can be through guiding emotional responses, meeting their innate needs in order, building confidence through intentional and purposeful curriculum, and handling that aligns to their sensitive, developmental benchmarks, and evaluating each puppy to ensure their voices heard, and they are honored and respected not only with their breeder, but with her new humans as well.
Our puppies are all sent home with welcome home bags and information.
Early Neurological Stimulation
Blanket with Littermates' and Mom's scents
Toy with Littermates' Scent
Puppy Collar
Food Starter Bag
Certificate of Health
AKC Registration