We have two beautiful litters of Boston terrier pups.
1 litter born: October 31st, 2013 - 6 males - Prices are from: $600 - 900.00 each. These pups are individually priced and listed on the website with prices on each one.
2nd litter born: October 28th, 2013 - 1 male 1 female - prices on these two range from 1000.00 - 1300.00 They are also listed on the website.
We are currently taking 200.00 non-refundable deposits on both of these litters. They will be sold on a first come first served basis. All puppies will have up to date vaccines, worming, and come with a veterinary checkup, a written health guarantee, as well as a puppy starter kit to get you and your new family member off to a wonderful start.
Please visit our site to see individual pricing, and parents.
If you are interested in one of our puppies and would like more information please feel free to give us a call at: