Bombay - Maxwell - Medium - Young - Male - Cat
Im Maxwell, a very handsome fellow born March, 2013. I am very affectionate and follow my foster mom around to keep her company. A home with another young cat for me to play with would be ok. My meow is nothing to write home about as I tend to whisper. If you would like to meet me call my foster mom Mary at . SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT MAXWELL: This PBC (plain black cat) may qualify as a hero. One evening shortly after 7 PM this normally well behaved, easy going cat became agitated and began sniffing under a room door and running back and forth. By 10 PM Maxwells persistent odd behavior and a strange odor prompted Mary to investigate. Long story short, she discovered smoke pouring from a roof vent, called 911, fire department arrived to find a fire smoldering in a wall cavity probably started by workmen doing repairs earlier that day. Firemen stated that had this smoldering blaze not been discovered when it was it would have erupted into a dangerous fire in the middle of the night endangering lives and doing potentially extensive property damage.
Breed: Bombay
Size: Medium
Petfinder ID:
Pet has been spayed/neutered
The Litter League | Phoenix, AZ
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