"After years of struggling against the odds and barely surviving in a rapidly changing world, Blockbuster announced that it'sofficially set to close the remainder of its US stores. For us, this is a day or mourning. For all of us, it's just a reminder that the way we consume media has changed so drastically and so quickly that the thought of Blockbuster going out of business would have been unthinkable a decade ago." Its the end of the beautiful era please stop in and walk the last of the blockbuster floors where everything is on sale. Sale starts 11/14/13 at 11 am movies $5.99 or less, blu rays starting at $6.99 or less, games 20% off, new retail movies 20% off, candy/soda 30% off and ice cream 70% off .Security cage $250 racks for all neess and much much more!!!
address 2600 oswell st
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