We are so delighted to provide up for sale this extraordinary litter of black and black and silver german shepherd young puppies. The puppies were born upon May 19th and will certainly be all set mid July for liking brand-new homes. The young puppies are akc signed up and we are providing show/breeding rights on select young puppies in this trash. These puppies are definitely magnificent with smart expressions, dark pigments and gorgeous coats. We have 1 male and 3 ladies still available. The puppies will likewise come with all approximately date vet care, a written health warranty, copies of parents pedigree etc
. The sire of this litter is U-Ch. Marco von haus mills who is a completed show champ out of V rated and schutzhund 3 titled moms and dads. He is ofa excellent on hips, ofa typical on elbows and cardiac. He has a packed pedigree filled with the whos who in the german shepherd world.
The puppies dam is Bojangles Mari Kay who has an extremely good american show line pedigree. She is among the most trainable and ready pet dogs I have actually ever owned.
The young puppies have actually been raised indoors and outside and have started housetraining right here by using the doggie door. They will also be introduced to a collar and leash and will start basic obedience. The young puppies have actually been raised with children, cats and other gentle grownup dogs for maximum socialization and to assist them acclimate to any new scenario. The young puppies will be raised on holistic food for a great beginning in life. They will be vaccinated with Neotech brand vaccines to insure outstanding immunity to parvo and distemper and wormed bi regular to assist insure no parasite growth. The puppies have actually been handled constantly considering that birth to assist insure confident characters.
A deposit will hold a puppy until they are ready to leave at 8-10 weeks old. We welcome and encourage personal pick up but due to our rural area in northern nevada understand that is not always possible so am offering shipment into sacramento on Sunday the 20th. Happy call
or e-mail for even more info. Delighted to send over added images, videos and pedigree info.
Thanks for looking!