Birch's story
Meet Birch! He is an approximately 2 year old St. Bernard mix weighing in around 71 lbs. He is a low-energy and mellow dog. Birch is great with people, but needs a home without young kids. He walks nicely on a leash and with a Gentle Leader head collar. He has never needed to be crated and is completely house-trained! Birch responds well to clicker-training and really really loves to eat baby carrots for treats.
Some of Birch's other loves are car rides, pick-up trucks (he loves to lay in truck beds), and sleeping in his dog bed. He will greet you at the door with a stuffed animal or a shoe in his mouth (he doesn't chew shoes, just carries them around). He is also good at letting people know what he wants...he has been known to take the cuff of a person's sleeve and lead them to the door to take him out. He will also find his leash and bring it to someone when he is ready to go outside. Birch loves to roll around in the grass and the snow.
Sadly, Birch needs to be in a home where he will be the only dog. While he was living with two smallish dogs, he has been found to have sudden arousal/aggression directed to unfamiliar dogs. His previous family's lifestyle involved far too many dogs for him to stay in his home, regardless of how much they adored him. He has also shown fear-related aggression to unfamiliar dogs, therefore he would do best in a house with a fenced yard, although he can be leash-walked regularly for bathroom breaks. Birch has not demonstrated resource guarding and has not shown food aggression. He is truly an incredible dog that is ready to complete a loving family.
Birch is available and able to have applications submitted once youve met.
Come in for a visit or give us a call!
DHA Wilmington (701 A Street, Wilmington, DE): (302)
Hours: Tues-Fri 12-7pm, Sat & Sun 12-5pm
DHA Rehoboth (18675 Coastal Highway, Rehoboth Beach, DE): (302)
Winter Hours: Wed-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat & Sun 10am-4pm