Bingley's story
This sassy, active boy is every bit as handsome as the literary figure who inspired his name. He has the most beautiful brown eyes and the prettiest markings! As you can tell from his photos, he loves to smile! Bingley was found as a stray so we know nothing about how or where he spent the first part of his life but undoubtedly he was kept outside. We think hes a terrier mix and hes probably around a year old
full grown but still having the exuberance of a puppy. Bingley weighs around 22 lbs. and is around a year old.
His foster mom is really impressed with how quickly and how well he has adapted to the structure of life as an indoor dog. He rides well in the car and loves walking on the leash. He does well with other dogs but can be a little jealous when they get attention. After only a few days in his foster home, Bingley is doing very well at sitting on command. We think this little dog shows great promise and would like to see him go to a forever family who will commit to continuing the basic puppy training that will help him focus and give him the tools he needs become the wonderful canine family member that he can be.
Bingley has been neutered and microchipped and he is up to date on vaccinations and preventatives. He is being fostered in Huntsville, AL but is available for adoption in your area. If you are interested in this precious boy you may apply to adopt him at application/.