BillieJean's story
Please go to our website to complete an application.
We will make every attempt to process all applications within 3 business days of receipt
Meet Billie Jean. Billie Jean is a 7 year old, 12 lb Cockapoo who would love to be a companion for any family. She is initially shy, but warms up in a few days and enjoys getting lots of attention and belly rubs. Her markings are very uniquemostly black with polka dot socks!
She's a very well behaved little girl, seems to get along with cats and other dogs- she does better with dogs her size or smaller. Loves to take walks and is a good walker on leash. She really enjoys her spa days and is excellent at the groomer's.
She is so sweet, has tons of love to give and she would really enjoy being loved in return.
Billie Jean is mostly housebroken, once she gets your schedule down. She can use a lightweight doggy door and she enjoys going on walks. She is a good eater, but prefers smaller portions twice a day rather than one big feeding. She is good around other dogs, but would also be fine as the only dog in the house. Billie Jean is spayed, up to date on her shots, spayed and microchipped. She has dry eye & cataracts that will require daily eye medication. Her adoption fee is $250 which helps the rescue cover medical expenses and supplies. Please go to to fill out an application to meet sweet Billie Jean!
All of our dogs are in private volunteer foster homes, and as such these individuals are most qualified to answer any questions regarding the dog.
We do not have a central shelter or kennel locations - you must make a private one-on-one meet and greet appointment with each individual dog at the foster family's convenience. To protect our foster families' privacy, we must have an APPROVED adoption application on file before we release their contact information.
All of our dogs are fixed (spayed/neutered) and up to date on shots. We have a 2 week foster-to-adopt period to make sure the dog is a fit for your family. Adoption fees vary from dog-to-dog.
Please note that an approved application DOES NOT guarantee that the dog will be placed with you. The final decision rests with our fosters as they know the dogs the best, and please be aware that there may be other applicants interested in the same dog. We continue accepting applications on a dog until the dog is with the new adoptive family in their home.
Thank you for visiting our dogs located at