This set of blocks has been opened however is basically brand name brand-new! My grandson opened it, then it's not been played with given that. Paid over 50.
The Better Block set is in a big colorful plastic round storage pail w/the cover & handle. It will certainly consist of the most popular, finest selling products from the Better Blocks line of product.
The set consists of a 346 computer. Majic color change Better Blocks, a 400 computer. Glow-in-the dark better blocks, a 100 computer. special Blackout Blocks for use with Glow-in-the-Dark & Majic color modification blocks, a 173 pc. routine Better Blocks, a 34 pc., Wheels and Axles Kit (8 wheel & axle sets/hook & eye blocks) a 4 computer. color instruct. book, & 1 instruct. to motorize designs.
Suitable With Lego Bricks 8 Stud.