Born January 13,2013 and will be ready for new home on March 8,2013 at the age of 8 wks..
Beautiful red male dachshund puppy. Puppy will be up to date on all shots and dewormings. Puppy comes with vet health check up and health guarantee. AKC registered. Mom is daughter of CH. Barstars Musketeer and weighs 14 lbs Dad is grandson of Ch.Denhavens Girshwin and weighs 13 lbs..This puppy was born and raised in my house and will come to you well socialized, love and pre- spoiled.This is a dark red puppy with black shading could be wild boar color. Price for puppy is $400.00. I accept non refundable deposits of $100.00 to hold a puppy for you until it is 8 weeks old. If shipping is required I ship through Delta's Pets First and that is an extra cost paid by buyer. I only ship in the United States.