Bear is a 1.5 year old, 13lb terrier mix.
Bear was found wandering the streets if TX.
After sitting at the shelter for days and days, it was clear his "family" was not coming for him.
We knew he would find a wonderful home her in CO, so we found him the first ride possible.
Bear is the happiest, most outgoing pup.
He is being fostered with another small terrier and a pig and does great with both!
The second he walked off transport it was like he had been here his whole life.
Nothing seems to phase him at all.
He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and is just super easy going.
He loves to play with other dogs and even follow the pig around the yard.
He does get attached to people easily and really falls in love quickly.
He is just such a love bug!!!
Bear has the cutest underbite to add to his insane cuteness.
He would love to be with a family with kids, another dog, or someone who can take him on adventures/walks.
He loves to snuggle, so someone that wants an affectionate, snuggle buddy would be perfect.
He is an easy dog and would pretty much be happy with any family as long as he is truly loved.
If you are interested in adopting Bear, please email us for an application at [email protected]