For sale: $2.00 each for 50-99 OR $1.75 each for 100 or more. (Available around a month after you make your order)
These chicks will be good for egg production as well as meat birds, not to mention they will have some neat color eggs. About a third of which will have feathered shanks.
%20 are Olive Eggers (will lay a dark green/olive egg)
%80 are a Rhode Island red, Australorp, Barred Rock, Gold Laced Wyandotte: Crossed with a Black Copper Marans Rooster (who Hatched from 7-8 on marans scale) These chicks should grow to lay a dark brown egg.
They will be sold at random, Straight Run. Photos below show what the chicks will look like and the color eggs they hatched from. Brown/Green/Blue. If you are in the market for some unique crossed birds these are for you. The Picture with the Olive eggs are the variety of colors these chicks will lay when they become adults.
Email me with your contact info and I will call you as soon as possible. Thanks!