My story
NOT an apartment dog. The McNab was bred to run, roam and work. If you don't live in a wide-open space, take the McNab for long walks every day. They also appreciate having a protected field to run around in. The McNab is hardworking and dependable, they are also very protective. With attuned senses and a keen intelligence,they have a watchful but restrained way when meeting strangers. McNab's require more daily physical exercise and mental stimulation than many other breeds. A working McNab frequently runs for miles a day, using its herding skills to control livestock, and they can become restless if isolated or neglected. Providing a McNab has plenty of exercise, it is content to nap at its owner's side with a watchful and protective eye. They also are very sensitive to sounds. Can't be loud (yell) at them or any or animals in their space. McNabs can be assertive and demanding, and they do best with guardians who are firm, consistent and skilled in positive dog training methods that don't trigger the McNabs instinct to push back against obstacles. Highly intelligent and quick to learn, the McNab needs to exercise its brain as much as its body. Families considering a McNab for a pet will need to set aside plenty of time to spend with their dog. Really need a owner that will let them be with him or her 24/7.