Archer Hail's story
Archer Hail - White Labrador Retriever mix, male, almost 2y old, 68 lb, neutered, microchipped
Archer is gentle, loving dog and has a wonderful lab personality. He has a special way of showing his love by resting his head on your knee or your shoulder.
Archer gets along with the dogs of all sizes and usually is the first one to greet the new pups. He is usually in a happy mood as long as he is not alone. He is very cooperative and welcoming to people around him, he gets compliments on his friendliness even in the vet's office.
In the past Archer was badly neglected and had some hair loss around his neck, elbows and legs from too tight collar and being on concrete for a long period of time and eventually was dumped at the pound. He came to us heartworm positive, but now completed his treatment.
In spite of very hard life, Archer didn't lose his sweet disposition. He just need a kind soul to open their heart and home to him. He is a perfect family dog and a perfect companion.
Adoption fee: $250. To adopt, please fill out application at