I have actually just been accepted into nursing school at Austin Peay and have no requirement for these books any longer. They are all in great condition.
-English Books.
At A Glance Essays by Lee Brandon (Fifth Edition)-$15.
L.B. Brief by Jane Aaron (Fourth Edition)-$10.
75 Readings an Anthology by Buscemi and Smith (Twelfth Edition)-$20.
Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing by Kennedy and Gioia (Twelfth Edition)-$25.
The Norton Anthology World Literature (Volumes 1 and 2)-$45.
-Sociology Books.
Basics of Sociology by Giddens, Duneier, Appelbaum, and Carr (Fourth Edition)-$30.
The Sociology of Health, Illness, & Health Care by Rose Weitz (Sixth Edition)-$100.
-Math Books.
Stats The Art and Science of Learning from Data [customized edition for APSU] by Agresti and Franklin includes the CD too but not the access code-$30.
-Communications Books.
Talk (Student Edition) consists of the CD and unused gain access to code-$15.
-History Books.
The American Journey: A History of the United States Volume 1 (Sixth Edition)-$20.
The American Journey: A History of the United States Volume 2 (Seventh Edition)-$50.
-Theater Books.
The Art of Theatre: A Concise Introduction by Downs, Wright, and Ramsey (Third Edition)-$50.
-Psychology Books.
Fundamentals of Psychology by Bernstein (Fifth Edition) ** This book had actually been purchased utilized so there are some highlighter markings-$20.
-Art Books.
Artforms by Frank (Tenth Edition)-$30.
-Microbiology Books.
Microbiology: A Systems Approach by Cowan (Third Edition)-$60.
Laboratory Applications in Microbiology: A Case Study Approach by Chess (APSU edition)-$30.
-Anatomy & Physiology.
Interactive Physiology CD's-$5.
Mastering A&P Access Code unopened-$10.
-TEAS Test Resource Books.
ati Nursing Education Study Manual-$20.
McGraw-Hill's 5 TEAS Practice Tests by Zahler-$20.
** Will sell both together for $30.
Rates are negotiable. Text.
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