My dog Nilah and I are searching for a new home for her. Nilah is an awesome dog, friend and parent, she is 3 years old and will be 4 in april on the 20th. She is a APBT of the XL variety. She is around 23inches tall and about 70 pounds. She LOVES playing fetch, swimming in the river, walking and doing the tricks that she knows such as sit, lay, speak and off for as long as you want. She is crate, kennel and house broken. She has been an inside dog for years and now in an outside dog. I have 5 kids from 14 all the way down to 9 months old that she loves more than anything I also have other dogs that she plays with all day. I am not selling nilah I am looking to place her in a home with a family to love her, she is full ?PR? UKC papered and she has had 2 litters. If you have any questions or would love to meet my girl please call txt or email me my name is Brock