My story
Andre is a 55 lb, very affectionate, American Staffordshire mix. He loves to be around people he can trust and will relax quietly by your side. He rarely barks and quickly learned to be housebroken. He is excellent on leash and loves his walks where he can take in the neighborhood smells. He has not met any children yet, but he is gentle and not mouthy or jumpy. He can be shy with larger/louder groups of people, but his confidence is growing as he meets more people who are kind to him and give him treats. He gets along very well with my 60 lb female pit, is respectful of her space, and does not guard his food. He is calm walking past other dogs (even small ones) and likes to just continue on his way rather than meeting. However, he does think cats are fun to chase so no cats please.Andre will melt your heart when he leans up against you with his head and smiles, or just wants to have a paw on you when sitting with him.