We have tons of brand new in the box Christmas items priced between $0.50 and $1 These items retail for $2 up to $10 Huge savings everything must be sold between now and next week. Come in and make us an offer if you like.
Boxes of Christmas Ornaments $0.50
Rolls of Ribbon $0.25 a Roll
Lighted Tree Toppers $1
Christmas Wrapping Paper $0.50 a Roll
Tree Shirts $1
Fake Snow $0.50 a Package
Garland (Any color or size) $0.50 a Package
Christmas Card $0.50 a Package
Gift Bags $0.50 a Piece
Small Gift Bags $0.25 a Piece
So much more all priced at $1 or less.
3131 Federal Road
Pasadena TX 77504
Location: Pasadena