AKC Champion blood lines, HIGH QUALITY AKITA.Prince super sweet temperament,very beautiful and smart. Mom pedigree 21 champion. Puppies born 09/12/17 1 boy available.And new litter born from Alpha 05/06/2018 3 boys and 3 girls available. Puppies big size 7,5 weeks old weight 16lb.12 weeks 37 lb.They super sweet temperament,calm and very smart.Puppies come with health certificate and shots record book.. They will be amazing temperament with super sweet and calm temperament, big size and very beautiful. Female big in size same as the male size, weight. They big head and paws. Both parents beautiful, smart and heavy big bone, big massive head, great guard and family dogs, excellent with kids and other animals dogs or cats. This breeding represents the wonderful high quality puppies with excellent temperaments and health and good socialized with kids and other animals. Our puppies are up to date on all vaccines, and dewormed. Breed Akita's 20 years experience. Deposit to hold puppy $500 non refundable. Please feel free to contact via email the address shown above
PRICE IS SET FOR AKC REGISTRATION LIMITED $1700 full $2300 Website akitapuppy.org