11 Beautiful teacup schnauzers, 6 females left and 3 males. These are nice coated babies and very flashy. All but 2 are chocolate or liver and tan. These puppies have GREAT personalities and are amazing pets. They are hypoallergenic and fit great into any family!
We love our schnauzers and we know you will to! Our schnauzers are part of our family and spend time in our community. Our adult schnauzers will all be certifying as therapy dogs in the state of Utah. We use our dogs to teach our children responsibility and to be best friends with our kids and us. We are not cage breeders and don't believe in puppy mills. We raise our schnauzers to be phenomenal companions as well as intelligent friends. We know there are many breeders out there, but we feel we have something special to offer and welcome you to come meet us anytime!
We can ship pretty much any where in the world. We accept most all forms of payment including credit cards.