I have 2 AKC Rottweiler puppies, both males from 2 various litters, they are the choice males. They are very good pups both with a fantastic pedigree, great characters and healthy. They have gotten 2 sets of vaccinations and precautionary wormings, raised in our home with love, crate trained and begun on some fundamental puppy training. Both moms and dads of each litter have been OFA 'd. The one puppy was born 08/30/14 and the other born 10/28/14 these litters were from a repeat breeding, as I was very delighted with their very first litters from the sire and dams. Right here are some picture's and the pedigrees of each pup.
I would be eager to shipment if within a reasonable range in the Northern California area. If you would like more details, please call me at -LRB-707-RRB- or email me, however would prefer to discuss them by phone if possible.
Thank You...